Friday, January 7, 2011

Steadman's Mint Logs

 From my m-in-law.

1-16 oz. bag small marshmallows
1 cube butter or margarine
1 bag milk chocolate chips
2 eggs beaten with a fork
¼ cup – ½ cup pecans or walnuts
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. mint flavoring
2 cups powdered sugar
Finely crushed graham crackers
(We use about a box and a half of graham crackers (large box)
for ten batches of candy).

Put crushed graham crackers in a cake pan (fill about ½ full at a time)

Put marshmallows in a large plastic bowl

Melt butter in a pan on low heat

Add chocolate chips. When they are melted (don’t let them get too hot or
it will melt the marshmallows) add the beaten eggs, vanilla, mint, and nuts.
Mix together and then add powdered sugar. Stir well and pour over
marshmallows and mix until chocolate covers all the marshmallows.

Spoon mixture on plastic wrap (1 ft. to 18 inches) and roll up. We divide
the candy into fourths or thirds, depending on how big the family is we are
giving the candy to.

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